MVW 2012: National Gown for Miss UK 2012 by Champagne

The amazing national costume of Miss UK 2012, Miss Paulinha Lefavere, was made by Enzo Champagne, designer and owner of Champagne! Sparkling Couture. The amazing gown carries the colors of the UK and comes nearly as a full outfit, because the cool shoes are as well part of the outfit. The mixture of all those different fabrics and textures are a wonderful example for the skills of Enzo Champagne. He dares to combine very different textures like the basic one of the gown that looks like satin and the tartan looking one of the stockings. As well the outfit contains a lot of different styles and types of various looks. The combination of an elegant gown, the casual stockings and the sporty looking shoes give the whole look a very unique kick. Another prove for the awesome skills of Enzo are the amazing little details of the costume. The crown, all the ornaments and jewelry parts of the bodice of the gown… just beautiful and perfect created. If you wanna feel like a modern princess in a cool UK looking attire, make your way to the Champagne! Sparkling Couture Mainstore and get you the “Eccentric U.Kingdom”


Dress: Champagne! Sparkling Couture – “Eccentric U.Kingdom” – NEW

Skin: !Silken Moon – “Rookie”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “‘Taleen” (mesh)

Jewelry & Nails: Mandala -“Milky Way”

Eyeshadow: !Silken Moon – “Gem Eyeshadow Indigo”

Lashes: Pan Jen – “Dramatic Lashes”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

~ by Wicca Merlin on January 15, 2012.

3 Responses to “MVW 2012: National Gown for Miss UK 2012 by Champagne”

  1. Love it, LOVE IT! Enzo does it again!

  2. You so pritty Wicca! Love your touche to this outfit! xoxo Bri

  3. It is gorgeous! i love it! ❤ really I do!

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